Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Anatomy of a Good Speech

One of the biggest fears for anyone who wants to deliver a speech is that the people to whom the speech is being delivered might not pay enough attention and in order to avoid that it is vitally important to create an engrossing speech that should be interesting enough to hold people's attention. Now, it is a well documented fact that there are certain standard procedures with the help of which one can make the speech much more engaging and if one is able to employ that know how then there is no reason why the speech would not be applauded by the onlookers.

If one ever goes through a video of some of the great speeches of the past then he would surely notice that the speaker ensures that he points out the purpose of the speech at the very beginning and this is without doubt one of the most important things to keep in mind whenever one is asked to deliver a speech. In an earlier day and age, there used to be a custom among eminent people to be repetitive with the content of their speech but that is not something that would work in today's world since people usually do a bit of online research these days before they sit through a speech and hence it is impossible to fool them into appreciating such a speech.

On the other hand, the speech should be diametrically opposite to the dull speeches of the past and should try and deliver the message in a constructive and compelling way so that the people at the auditorium realize that it in their best interests to pay attention to the speaker. People often find it difficult to write a good speech that would appeal to everyone and hence if one is not sure about his writing skill then the best thing to do would be to hire a professional speech writer who would be able to deliver a compelling speech according to the needs of the event.

Whenever one starts to write his own speech, it needs to be kept in mind that it is unlikely that he would be able to pen an ideal speech at one go and hence it is necessary for the person to be patient. since he might need to write the speech multiple times in order to get the perfect speech.

An important thing to consider is that if one is finding it difficult to draft a good speech then it is necessary for him to decide whether he would write it or hire a speech writer, since time is of vital importance in such an exercise and enough time should be kept aside to ensure that the speaker gets to rehearse his speech a few times before he takes the stage.


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