Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How to Write the Perfect Wedding Speech

Weddings are not just meaningful for newlywed couples, but for their relatives and close friends too. If you have agreed to act as the best man or the maid of honor in a wedding that is fast approaching, there are a number of tasks you ought to be preparing for. It is, for example, standard for those in your place to provide a relatively lengthy toast while the reception is occurring.

If you generally have trouble with the act of speaking in front of groups, you might be afraid of saying a wedding speech out loud. There are, however, several steps you can take to ensure that your best man speech or your maid of honor speech is enjoyed by everyone in the room. As you continue reading, you will see some useful suggestions.

Do Not Ad-Lib Your Speech

Coming-up with a wedding speech on the spot isn't typically a good plan, particularly if you have trouble dealing with public speaking scenarios. You should, instead, develop a hard copy of your speech a week or more in advance. This will allow you to say it aloud several times before giving it for real. Do not be embarrassed if you decide to read your wedding speech on the big day!

Make a Point of Introducing Yourself

Prior to actually starting your best man speech or your maid of honor speech, it is a good idea to introduce yourself to the people who are listening. You should state, for example, whether you are the younger brother of the groom or the best friend the bride made during her college years. Giving the audience a brief glimpse into your life will make it easier for them to relate to you.

Follow-Up on a Few Important Topics

As people prepare to give wedding speeches, they often fall into the trap of telling too many stories starring the bride, the groom, or both. Select only a few issues to discuss in your speech, but follow-up on each one. This will help your wedding speech seem well organized, rather this disjointed.

Don't Tell Stories That Only a Few People Will Get

You need to make sure that all of the wedding guests present will understand your whole maid of honor speech or best man speech; therefore, don't include jokes or sayings that will only make sense to your closest friends.

Say Something Meaningful to Conclude

While it is perfectly acceptable to have some fun during a wedding speech, you should end with a meaningful statement of some kind. After all, you are attending an event that has great meaning for everyone involved!

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